Brenden's Labyrinth
Brenden's Labyrinth
Lacan and David Bohm | The unconscious, the self, and a fiction

Lacan and David Bohm | The unconscious, the self, and a fiction

Vanish, 1959 - Pierre Alechinsky

"I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete, but which is in an unending process of movement and unfoldment." — David Bohm

“That in language our message comes to us from the Other, and—to state the rest of the principle—in an inverted from. (Let me remind you that this principle applied to its own enunciation since, although I proposed it, it received its finest formulation from another, an eminent interlocutor.)” — Jacques Lacan

“Now this register—I dare think I need not go back over this—is situated somewhere else altogether: at the very foundation of intersubjectivity. It is situated where the subject can grasp nothing bu the very subjectivity that constitutes an Other as an absolute.” — Jacques Lacan

Stay curious.

A Philosopher’s Stone

Brenden's Labyrinth
Brenden's Labyrinth
Through this podcast, I hope to further my journey into ideas, philosophy, spirituality, psychedelics, and science by utilizing everything around us from our culture, myths, religions, films, tv shows, books, poetry, music…and anything else you can think of. My intention is to create a space to question our belief structures and present ideas through an entertaining, empowering, and thought-provoking method. I do this by explaining my own struggles, and interpretations, and bringing in information that has helped me make sense of this strange existence.
So, this public journal of mine is a personal experiment that I hope others find useful. I’m hoping my vulnerability is something you will be able to relate to. And then know you’re not alone in this confusing existence!